Hack the World! Let Us Hack Ethically.
4 min readAug 24, 2020
Hacking is gaining information of the weakness of a computer resources system and there after access into it, without his or her permission. Hacking can be interpreted as unlawful criminal trespass into others’ computer resources.
Word hacking is a fascinating term which inspires curiosities in the mind of the people at large in the society. I can recollect, few years’ earlier, in the Calcutta book fair, one married lady approached me with a question whether there was any book, by reading of which she could hack various chat-apps used by her husband as she had suspicions that her husband might had illicit relationship with any other ladies. Movies capturing the art and life of various hackers have mesmerized us for long. The biggest question is not how to hack but which is ethical and which is not. There are thousands of free tools or opensource software which may allure you to hack others but what will be the aftermath or the consequence of the same. There are thousands of videos or articles in various online platforms which will make you at least half-hackers. But in those articles or videos, everyone will avoid their responsibilities by saying that they are doing for academic purposes. I am not telling every hacking is bad for society. I myself a supporter of whistle-blower. You know in India we have the Whistle Blowers Protection Act which guards the lawful Whistle Blowers in India from all sort of attacks. But not everyone is hacking ethically. Segregation of hackers may be as follows on ethical line:
Ø WHITE HAT HACKERS: A white hat hacker or ethical hacker who hacks ethically.
Ø GREY HAT HACKERS: A Grey Hat Hacker sometime hack for good purpose …..sometimes for bad purpose…. i.e. sometime ethical and sometime unethical.
Ø BLACK HAT HACKERS: A black Hat Hacker hacks for unethical purpose. That means they are purely unethical.
Now the million-dollar (sorry million rupees) question is, who then hacks ethically. What is the yardstick of ethics? What is the authority who judges what is ethical or what is not? In this article and other forthcoming part of this article, I will try to find out the answers. Now let us know various steps of hacking. Definitely hacking is an art, the mechanism or the ways should and would differ from hackers to hackers. The indomitable patience together with creative attitude in the application of in-depth knowledge of how to code ultimately shows the path of success. In my opinion people who uses various tailor-made software or hacking application to trick innocent spectators are not hackers, they are only the followers or copying machines. In my humble opinion, hacker, without creativity or urge to create or apply and design new algorithm of software application is no hacker. Anyway, the following steps are thought to be the broad areas which one hacker has to undergo:
- Reconnaissance: where the Hacker tries to collect information about the target.
- Scanning: Thereafter the hackers scan the collected data and find some vulnerabilities or weakness in the system…….
- Gaining Access: After scanning, it is gain access to the system by using Phishing Attack or Metasploit…or other ways…..
- Maintaining Access: After entering into the system hackers maintain their access for various future exploitation or unlawful activities.
- Covering or Clearing Tracks: Lastly it is clearing various evidences of identifiable information which relate the hacker with the crime.
- The most important preparation before embarking upon hacking for an hacker is to make himself/herself completely anonymous.